On 18 July 2022 (10-11:30am AEST) the ACU Centre for Liturgy will host the Rev Dr Paul Turner (Director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St Joseph) who will give an online public lecture (via Zoom) entitled ““Celebrating Catholic funerals in the face of secularism, COVID and other challenges”. Over the past several decades, the Catholic Church’s Order of Christian Funerals has not changed, but the culture surrounding funerals has. People are thinking differently about cremation, the timing of the funeral, the nature of the service, the location of the funeral, and the final disposition of remains. This presentation will review key points from the funeral tradition and engage ways to make it more meaningful. To register, please go to www.acu.edu.au/publiclectureCfL
More information about this lecture, including a flyer which can be downloaded and shared with interested staff and parishioners if you wish, can be found on our News, Resources and Events page here. Registration to attend can be done by following this link.