Frankston Winter Shelter is a local church initiative based on the model by Stable One.
The concept is to provide crisis shelter for the homeless in the Frankston area. The
winter shelter has several goals:
– To provide food and shelter for those in immediate need
– To provide a safe place where the love of Christ is demonstrated
– To assist in creating a sense of community that will extend beyond the simple
meeting of physical needs
– To bring together the local churches in a unified purpose; allowing churches to
build on existing services and partner together
– To mobilise the wider church community and raise awareness of the issues in
their local area.
Click to see what involves Winter Shelter Flyer Seaford St Annes.
Training for Volunteers on the 14th May.
Contact Lara Curtis-Morris laracm2512@gmail.com or David Moloney dmo74189@bigpond.net.au