Disposal of a car from a deceased estate, or when a family member has had to relinquish their licence or go into residential care, can be a challenging process – getting a roadworthy, taking photos to advertise on the internet, cleaning and polishing, taking calls (if they come), even garaging it until a prospective buyer turns up (if indeed they do!).
If you need to dispose of a vehicle either from a deceased estate or which is no longer required, please consider gifting it to the “Lifeboat Geelong Foundation”, a registered charity with tax deductible status which for nine years has been providing pastoral and practical support to nearly 150 victims / survivors of church-related sexual abuse.
Many of these suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and have limited or no employment. A donated vehicle could vastly improve their quality of life.
If you would like to explore the possibility of gifting a potentially suitable vehicle to “Lifeboat”, contact Fr. Kevin Dillon (0421 777 360, or or Adam Kaali (0411 486 605, or
More info here