I can pray at home so why do I need to go to Church?
I can find God anywhere.
It’s not that I don’t want to go it is just that I don’t have the time.
I come to Mass when I feel it is necessary.
I live a Christian life, ie, I live a good life and harm no one.
I don’t have to come to Mass to prove I am a good person.
Why do I have to listen to something I find boring?
What does the priest know about family life anyway?
The Church has lost its way in the world of today.
The Church is like any other institution corrupt and indifferent to people.
Who is the priest to tell me what to do and how to behave?
I know God in my heart so why all the fuss?
I want my children to make up their own mind when they get older.
The Church is out of touch with the modern world and has very little to offer.
I don’t need to be told what to do I can make up my own mind.
Why Come to Weekend Mass?
Mass allows me to stop and think?
Mass prepares me for the coming week.
Mass gives me advice and directions.
If I miss weekend Mass my week is just not the same.
Fr. John often gives an interesting homily and gives me something to reflect upon.
Mass enables me to care for my soul and reflect on my life.
I come to Mass because God askes me to give him just one hour of my week.
Mass is my way of saying thank to God for all that I have.
I rely on God to direct me in making decisions for my life. Without him I would be lost.
I come to Mass because I feel I belong —it is my spiritual home.
Weekend Mass is a way of taking time out to truly listen to our Souls.
Why wouldn’t you want to spend just one hour a week taking care of the sacred in life. Listening to God and caring for our souls gives us hope, direction, inner peace, forgiveness, security, and a way of navigating through life that is both life giving and satisfying .
This is because of what the benefits the Mass bestows on us who come here regularly. So why have you come to Mass this weekend. If you are a school parent and if you child wasn’t preparing for a Sacraments would you be here now?
One thing I have learnt as a Priest is that, like God, I cannot force you to be spiritua.
God and I can only ask!! Listen to your heart and you will know your answer.
By Fr. John